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Xi'ipal Garnacha Las Bajadas


Xi’ipal Garnacha Las Bajadas


Aromas of scrubland, fresh fruit and character. Las Bajadas, a true reflection of mountain grenache.

Vintage: 2019

Subzone: Baja Montaña

Village: San Martín de Unx

Plot: Las Bajadas

Grape: Garnacha / Grenache

Vinification & aging: Cold soak (low-temp maceration before fermentation)Low-temperature fermentation in concrete tanks.Aged for 15 months in French oak barrels. Fined for 12 months in bottle.

Soil: Escarpments and steep slope on sandstone, silt, clays and yellowish-red marls

Production:  1.399 bot.

Did you know that: Grenache is one of the grapes that has more synonyms. This is due to the fact that it has been grown in practically all over the World.


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